Training on Occupational Standards & Qualification Standards International Perspectives
5-7 October 2022

Training on Occupational Standards & Qualification Standards International Perspectives

Training for the Development of Occupational Standards and Qualifications was held at Limak Ambassadore Hotel on 5-6-7 October 2022. The first day of the training started with the definition of the main elements of occupational standards, and then a comparison of the occupational ‘standards’ of 4 different countries was made. Then there were discussions on the different approaches to be used to identify the skills required for a job. The general topics of the second day of training were the future skills and the possible implications of the EU Recommendation on vocational education and training. On the third and last day of the training, the definition of the main elements of qualification standards and the relationship of qualification standards with National Qualifications Frameworks, training programs and measurement and evaluation processes were examined.

We would like to thank all our participants for their interest and contributions.

Scenes from the Training

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Scenes from the Training 2/2