Vocational Mapping Workshop for the Mining Sector
17 March 2023

Vocational Mapping Workshop for the Mining Sector

Mining Sector Occupational Mapping Workshop was held online on March 10 and face-to-face on 13-16 and 17 March 2023 at Green Park Hotel in Ankara to determine and map the occupations performed in the mining sector and their qualification levels. The workshop was carried out in the form of group studies after the information meeting. Professions related to the field in question were determined with regards to the current National Occupational Standards and National Qualifications and the outputs of previous occupation mapping by means of brainstorming in groupwork and business analysis methods. At the end of each workshop, the participating groups came together and made an evaluation of the day. Draft occupational lists were created by the groups. It has been re-evaluated whether the occupations specified in the draft occupation lists are specific to the mining sector or whether they are horizontal (inter-sectoral) occupations. At the workshops, the qualification levels foreseen for each profession included in the draft occupational lists were also reviewed by using the level descriptors of the European Qualifications Framework . The final lists were shared with the representatives of other groups and their opinions and contributions were received.

Scenes from the Workshop

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