Category of Intervention II of the EESP SOP:
Institutional Capacity Building

Within this category, it’s aimed to build and enhance the capacity of the VQA to ensure that the delivery, quality and level of services are commensurate with the growth I its ability to build new capacity to meet its challenges and improve the existing and newly-established departmental capacity of VQA.

To reach out this aim, it’s planned to have institutional capacity building activities such as trainings and workshops within the scope of the Project.

Activity 2.1: Training Needs Analysis

A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) report will be conducted to define training requirements of the VQA staff and its stakeholders. According to this analysis, an Action Plan for all types of training together with a timetable.

Activity 2.1.1: General Trainings

7 general trainings will be provided to the VQA staff to develop their skills in the fields that will be determined by the TNA report.

Activity 2.1.2: Thematic Trainings

On the basis of the results on the TNA report, 10 thematic trainings will be organized to the VQA staff to expand their capacity in specific qualifications.

Activity 2.1.3: Auditor & Quality Management Systems Trainings

Auditor and chief auditor trainings and certification will be provided as well as a training on Quality Management Systems which will be conducted by a personnel certification institution that is accredited bodies which has signed multilateral recognition agreement with the European co-operation for Accreditation.

Activity 2.1.4: Training to the Certified Auditors on VQA Legislation

The capacity of certified auditors in Activity 2.1.3 will be enhanced through a training on VQA authorization/observation/scope expansion/follow-up audits.

Activity 2.2.2: Workshops for SWOT Analysis

4 workshops will be provided with the aim of conducting analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the process with the participation of sector committee members, occupational standard setting bodies, qualification developers, moderators, ACBs and other related stakeholders.

Activity 2.3: Developments of Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) Toolkits

This activity will comprise the revision and design of TQF toolkits that are expected to be used as a user guide for related bodies working with TQF.

Activity 2.4: Improvement of VQA Portal System

Under this activity:

  • The VQA Portal system will be adapted to the monitoring and evaluation processes to be developed so that the operations of external verifiers assigned to the ACBs to conduct periodical monitoring and follow-up works apart from audits can be reflected and followed.
  • VQA and TQF websites will be renewed to have websites that are more user friendly.
  • A functional analysis of VQA Portal development requirement will be performed to provide VQA with an effective national vocational qualifications certification processing system and an effective risk-rated external verification capacity.
  • National vocational qualifications certification process will be improved on the basis of VQA testing and certification activities.
  • An operational, risk-rated, external verification function will be established within VQA Portal to support the management of VQA’s external quality assurance responsibilities.

Activity 2.5: Improvement of the Capacity, Functioning & Quality of the Sector Committee

A set of trainings and briefing events will be provided to support the improvement of the capacity, functioning and quality of the sector committees and the sectors in which occupational standards and qualifications are developed.

Activity 2.6: Development of the Capacity of VQA Expert Pool

Within the scope of the TUYEP, the VQA Expert Pool will be expanded and the technical and the field experts of VQA will be trained on the contents of national qualifications and TQF as well as preparation and revision methods and processes for national occupational standards, national qualifications and assessment.

Activity 2.7: Development of VQA’s External Verification System

It will be ensured that the effectiveness of VQA’s external verification system is evaluated, revised; and an effectively functioning system will be delivered to the VQA at the end of the Project. Following that, four trainings will be provided to the selected experts from the VQA Expert Pool on all components of quality assurance system of the VQA.

Activity 2.8: Development of the Capacity of the TQF

To develop the capacity of the TQF the following activities will be implemented:

  • A current situation analysis, desk research and reporting will be conducted for TQF studies which include the development, implementation and communication of the TQF.
  • A consultation meeting will be organized to finalize the strategy paper of TQF.
  • The TQF related documents will be reviewed and updated.
  • Procedures, principles, criteria or guidelines will be prepared on the issues that are determined by the VQA.
  • Technical support will be provided within the Project regarding the overall aspects of the TQF, EQF and related approaches abroad to build and improve the capacity of TQF Council members and other staff dealing with the TQF in Responsible Bodies who are going to carry out the technical studies related to the TQF.
  • 10 trainings with the aim of the capacity development of local staff of the qualification providers will be organized.
  • Trainings on the assessment of quality assurance in TQF to experts implementing the quality assurance systems in the scope of TQF will be provided.

Activity 2.9: Capacity Building Activities to the Related Experts

With the purpose of capacity building, a guide and training materials will be prepared for certification bodies, finalizing the guide in consultation with the stakeholders and trainings will be conducted with the same aim.

Activity 2.10: Development of the Quality Assurance Manual

The quality assurance of VQA authorization process and audits will be improved and the related principles and procedures will be prepared/reviewed as well as a quality assurance manual.