Category of Intervention III of the EESP SOP:

The importance of having an effective and imaginative communications strategy cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, new and innovative ways of raising awareness will be created on the activities of VQA, the NVQS, and the TQF and about how people can obtain Vocational Qualifications Certificates.

A comprehensive awareness raising strategy on the basis of a strong target group analysis will be prepared. The VQA will be supported in developing and implementing an effective awareness raising and communication strategy developed through:

  • Regular information stream- newsletters, leaflets, press releases and websites;
  • Comprehensive competence and qualification based assessment guides and training materials for ACBs;
  • Events – national and international conferences, local awareness raising activities;
  • Promotional materials- videos, brochures, posters, banners, pens, note pads, bags;
  • Development of interactive websites;
  • Existent occupational standards and qualifications translated and available online;
  • Legislation booklet printed;
  • Rules and procedures related to the social networking tools identified and shared;
  • Training videos and spot films.